Saturday, November 1, 2008

Last night Josh and I went to Wedgwood for the Trunk-N-Treat Fall Festival event. He decided to wear his Jeff Gordan costume. He had a great time, going from car to car getting candy. He even ate 2 hotdogs, two cups of tea, a bag of popcorn, and lots of candy.

Is this video?

1) Joshua demostrating Stop, Drop, and Roll

2) Joshua realizing he has ants in his pants.

3) Joshua with a massive sugar over dose.

If you chose #3 you are correct.

Is this video?

1) Joshua sleeping.

2) Joshua begging to go home.

3) Joshua rolling on the floor again.

4) Joshua still on a sugar rush.

If you chose 3 or 4 you are correct!!!!
I need more sugar!!!!


Liz said...

Why you let your young'un be traumatized by Jeff Gordon like 'at? You should give him sumpin good to wear like Mark Martin or Greg Biffle!

Reagan said...

Those videos are too funny...he was definitly on a sugar HIGH! :)