Friday, February 6, 2009

Church of the powerless

I was reading in 1 Corinthians this morning and came across the

"For Christ did not send me [Paul] to baptize, but to preach the gospel
not with words of human wisdom, less the cross of Christ be emptied"
(1 Cor. 1:17)

What stuck out at me in this verse was the fact of how often in a Church the gospel seems to take a backstage to the technique of delivering the message. A sermon on "Ten ways to stay happy" replaces "Why we still need the Ten Commandments." Not to say that we don't need 21st application of biblical principles, rather we always need to remember that if Scripture does not change how we live today it is powerless.

This verse stuck out from a lecture I heard yesterday during Chapel at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary I have included a link if you would like to listen to it. I love creative worship, being engaged in the service. However through reflection, have begun to see that the gospel is taking a back seat to techniques in many of my favorite places of worship.

My study Bible says the following about this verse:

"Paul's mission was not to couch the gospel in the language of the trained orator, who had studied the techniques of influencing the people by persuasive

I have been guilty of placing technique over the power of the cross when preaching. I am today calling all preachers to first acknowledge the emptiness that they have experienced as a result of using human wisdom in their preaching, instead of relying on the power of Christ to deliver their messages. Second, to make a change in how they prepare for messages, and even how they preach messages by relying more on the power of the cross and less on their own wisdom or techniques.

Let's talk about it.. Post a comment about how you see this issue in the local church. I will be the first to admit that I don't know everything, so let's help each other grow in our walk with Christ and expand our influences and preach the Gospel.

I pray it will richly enhance your life and messages.


Dr. Richard Turnbull -- Mapping the Evangelical Landscape: Issues and Prospects

Click here to listen to lecture: