Friday, October 17, 2008

Sad Movies....

I think the saddest movie of all times has to be hands down my dog skip. It is the story of a boy who grows up with a jack russell terrior. Eventually as with all things skip passes away. I think what draws you in is not the death of the dog, rather it is the life this dog lived. You see him grow from being a puppy to being a mature adult dog.

I love movies that draw me in quickly and are able to hold my attention until the very end. Growing up I loved solve your own adventure books. They start with a story and after several pages you had to make a choice, but you had to be careful because your choice could end your story within a paragraph. If you made the right choices you would end up reading 90% of the book, if you made a wrong choice you could read only 1 to 2 pages of a book.

The point of this random rambling is this. Life is precious, and we need to make sure that everyday we make the most of every opportunity we have. That way when we look back at our lifetime we won't have any regrets.

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